Saturday, February 28, 2009

What happened to us?

i've been drowning in stuff to do the last couple of weeks, but it's all been good. no, great! i had the opportunity to participate in the re-do of our church's 24-7 prayer room, as well as contribute some artwork. it was a rather intimidating commission that was given, as i have not done calligraphy on that scale before, nor have i done it on canvas (it shows a tad--but i'm satisfied for this time), but it was very clear to me that this was how it had to be done. i could get into all the really personal conversations with god over it, the surreal and sort of miraculous journey that making the paintings took me on, but we'll save to that for face-time talking. suffice it to say that it was a process that transformed me in some ways. after it was all done, i took a week off from school (sort of) with the kids, cleaned the house, played a lot, and finally feel like my head may be returning to a state in which i can function on pace with the rest of the world--not my favorite place to be, but necessary, as long as i am trapped in this realm called time.

here are the panels that are now available for the public to see, so i may as well post them here, too. i've been getting a lot of questions about them.

meanwhile, our engineering prowess was tested as a family when matty entered the cub scout pine wood derby and WON! apparently glen has become rather handy at building fast cars. matty helped of course, and he picked the design and i painted it with him. he did the black and glitter, and i painted the colors. it was exciting for all of us, to say the least.

No lack of confidence from this ham.

Matty's "Most Colorful Car" in the center

Matty's car, smoking the competition Awaiting results
Matty--Grand Champion of the Pack 1189 Pine Wood Derby, 2009

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